Thursday, May 24, 2012

Smokeless Tobacco

There are a lot of terms to describe smokeless tobacco products, for instance, oral, chewing, snuff, spit, and spit-less tobacco.
All forms of oral tobacco have chemicals known to cause cancer (carcinogens). These products can cause cancer of the mouth, pancreas, and esophagus (the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach). Oral and smokeless tobacco also cause many other health problems, such as gum disease, destruction of the bone sockets around the teeth, and tooth loss. They cause bad breath and stained teeth, too.

Smokeless Tobacco

Smokeless tobacco is consumed in the following ways:

  • Chewed: gutkha, pan, mawa, mainpuri tobacco, khaini, click, etc
  • Applied on gums, and teeth: mishri, gudhaku, bajjar, tooth paste
  • Inhaled: snuff
  • Smokeless tobacco is not a safe alternative to smoking. Smokeless does not mean harmless.
  • Chewing tobacco is far greater health hazard than filtered cigarettes as the concentration of tobacco is significantly higher.
  • Studies have shown that pan masala causes a condition called oral submucous fibrosis that makes it 400 times more likely for a person to develop cancer than normal people. This is true even if the pan masala does not contain tobacco.

Chewing Tobacco In India.

The use of chewing tobacco is reaching at dangerously endemic levels in India. Students, professionals, taxi drivers, young and old - all take it. A recent survey identified the use of this bad habit by nearly 70% of college students in several Indian cities. It's often called locally as "Gutka". This smokeless tobacco is so popular that highly qualified professionals like doctors also use it. The unhealthy habit often immigrates with the person to other areas of the planet. Young Asians in the UK often consume it. Gutka's main ingredients are betel nuts mixed with areca nut, slaked lime, cashew and tobacco in granulated form. This mixture collectively known as pan masala is also added to betel leaves (known as Paan) may be harmless without the tobacco. The idea is to chew and later spit out or swallowed. There could be several reasons for their use. Mostly due to its smoke free use and can be well hidden inside the mouth. The misconception is that it therefore does not create nuisances for others. Although tobacco promotion is officially banned in India, it is well targeted through the use of advertisements of brand name non-tobacco products. Its small, striking and low-cost sachets appeals to many young people.

What Are The Risks Of Using Smokeless Tobacco?

Smokeless tobacco products are not a safe substitute for tobacco smoking.
Harmful health effects include:
  •  Mouth, tongue, and throat cancer
  •  Cancer in the esophagus (the swallowing tube that goes from your mouth to your stomach)
  •  Stomach cancer
  •  Pancreatic cancer
  •  Increased risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke
  •  Addiction to nicotine
  •  Leukoplakia (white sores in the mouth that can become cancer)
  •  Receding gums (gums slowly shrink from around the teeth)
  •  Bone loss around the roots of the teeth
  •  Abrasion (scratching and wearing down) of teeth
  •  Tooth loss
  •  Stained teeth
  •  Bad breath 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Disadvantages of Tobacco Smoking

The Disadvantages of Tobacco Smoking
It is a known fact that tobacco smoking has many disadvantages. Medical research has found that smoking is a major factor for developing several health problems such as lung cancer, emphysema and cardiovascular disease.
Tobacco smoke contains a stimulant called nicotine which forms a strong physical and psychological chemical addiction. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention believe that nicotine can be as addictive as heroin or cocaine.

Nicotine is vasoconstrictor and a Nerve Toxin and it has been classified as a Class I Insecticide.
The addiction is definitely strongest when tobacco smoke is inhaled into the lungs. Several studies have proven that nicotine typically gets eliminated from the body within 2 to 3 days, but it is also proven that physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms may last for much longer.

Tobacco Toxins{Ingredients Of Your Bliss}
 There are over 4000 chemicals in tobacco out of which a 100 are identified poisons and 63 are known carcinogens. Nicotine is often pointed out as the most dangerous substance in tobacco but there are others which include:
  •     Arsenic,
  •     Cyanide,
  •     Carbon monoxide (found in    car exhaust fumes),
  •     Formaldehyde (used to embalm bodies),
  •     Ammonia Bromide (a toilet cleaner ).

Incidence Of Smoking
 Each year, an estimated 3,000 non-smoking Indians die of lung cancer, and 300,000 children suffer from lower respiratory tract infections because they inhaled the so called “Secondhand Smoke”. The term “Secondhand Smoke” refers to inhaling the smoke coming from the cigarettes that someone else is smoking.
More than 5 million children living today will die prematurely because of the decision to use tobacco and smoke cigarettes. More than 3 million people under the age 18 smoke half a billion cigarettes each year and more than a half of them consider themselves dependent upon cigarettes.

Health Effects Of Tobacco Smoking
 The health effects of tobacco smoking are related to the direct tobacco smoking, as well as passive smoking, inhalation of environmental or secondhand tobacco smoke. When the cigarette smoke is inhaled, thousands of chemicals get into your bloodstream and travel throughout your body. These chemicals cause damage to different parts of the body:

It is proven that different chemicals in tobacco can cause damage to the macula, which represents the most sensitive part of the retina. The tiny blood vessels can burst through the macula, leading to irreversible damage.  Smoking also causes morphological and functional changes to the lens and retina due to its atherosclerosis and thrombotic effects on the ocular capillaries.

Digestive system
Smoking is a risk factor for all cancers associated with the larynx, oral cavity and esophagus.  There is no doubt that heavy smokers have laryngeal cancer mortality risks 20 to 30 times greater than non-smokers.

Heart & CirculationThe two main effects smoking has on the heart and circulation are:
  • an increase in your heartbeat rate,   
  • a sharp rise in blood pressure
This happens because nicotine attacks the nerves directly, causing the heart rate to rise and blood vessels to constrict. Since smokers have lungs filled with those dangerous fumes, the heart has to pump harder to get enough oxygen to the rest of the body. Smoking can also increase cholesterol and fibrinogen levels in the blood. The heart and circulation diseases caused by smoking include:
  •     Coronary heart disease (CHD),
  •     Aneurysm,
  •     Peripheral vascular disease (PVD),
  •     Stroke


There is no doubt that the tar content of the cigarette smoke directly damages the cells in the airways of the lung. This can eventually cause cancer of the lung or larynx. It can also lead to chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Several factors are contributing to the lung cancer:
  •     the daily dose of tobacco;
  •     the duration of regular smoking and
  •     the form in which tobacco is smoked

Smoking is linked to the buildup of fatty substances in the carotid artery, the main neck artery supplying blood to the brain, which represent one of the most important factors for developing a stroke. Other dangerous properties of tobacco smoke:
  •     nicotine raises blood pressure;
  •     carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen blood can carry to the brain;
  •     cigarette smoke makes the blood thicker and more likely to clot.

Digestive System
Smoking has been shown to have harmful effects on all parts of the digestive system, contributing to the development of many diseases such as:
  •     Heartburn
  •     Peptic ulcers
  •     Crohn's disease
  •     Gallstones
  •     Stomach cancer

Liver & PancreasAlmost half of all the bladder and kidney cancers in men are caused by smoking.

Skin & HairSmoking can damage the skin, mainly the substance called collagen which keeps the skin elastic. Smokers get deeper wrinkles all over their faces because nicotine constricts the tiny capillaries that nourish the skin. Not only that, smokers are also prone to premature thinning and graying of the hair.

Bone & MusclesIt is proven that tobacco smoke chemicals are poisons that inhibit the development of the new tissue cells. The tissue of smokers does not get an adequate blood supply to promote healing, thus smokers are at a much higher risk of developing osteoporosis.

Withdrawal symptoms
Smokers continue to smoke in order to avoid the withdrawal symptoms, which can be very unpleasant. The withdrawal can bring about physical and emotional changes, which may include:
  •     Cravings
  •     Irritability, frustration, depression and/or anxiety
  •     Restlessness
  •     Difficulty concentrating
  •     Changed sleeping patterns
  •     Increase in appetite and weight gain
  •     Coughing.

Withdrawal Symptoms are the signs that the body is recovering and getting used to living without nicotine. On average, most symptoms are gone within two to four weeks. Heavy smokers may have some symptoms for a few more weeks.

•    You shouldn’t smoke cigarettes at all, because smoking even a few cigarettes a day can hurt your health. If you try to decrease the amount of cigarettes you smoke instead of stopping it completely, soon you’ll be smoking the same amount again.

•    Quitting smoking isn't easy! If you are trying to quit smoking you should know that it takes a lot of effort. Almost half of the battle is knowing that you need to quit.

There are many ways the smokers can quit, including using nicotine replacement products (gums and patches). Nearly all smokers have some symptoms of nicotine withdrawal when they try to quit.

•    Half of all the adult smokers have quit, and you can too! That’s the good news. There are millions of people today who have learned to face life without a cigarette. Quitting smoking is the best step you can take on your way to a healthy living.

•    If you need help, ask for it! Many groups offer written materials, programs, and advice to help smokers quit for good and WE are also here for your help always.

•    Avoid temptation! In the difficult first few days you can change your routine to avoid situations where you would usually smoke.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No-Tobacco Everyday

Few days earlier I made a visit to a local hospital and I was shocked seeing some unspeakable cancer suffering patients there. Some of them were so severe that they were not even able to open their mouth because their jaws and teeth has disintegrated. And I just after that I think about those school children who use to smoke like that's the only bliss in life will also end up exactly like these patients.

In a recent survey conducted the truth revels that tobacco-related cancers represented 42% (84000) of male and 18% (35700) of female cancer deaths at ages 30-69 years and there were twice as many deaths from oral cancers as lung cancers, in part due to common use of chewing tobacco in men and women. I was shocked again by looking in these data.


                                          "31st May is No-Tobacco Day."

But why just one day against tobacco??? We should make everyday of our life as a No-Tobacco Day and make a Tobacco free environment which will be more healthy for us and our coming generation.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Wind Against Tobacco

Its the evening rush hour in Haldwani. Mostly coaching classes are getting over at that time. They feels a sorta relief after the classes. Most of the students leave for home. But something stops my tracks. I see that three school kids buying cigarettes from a nearby shop…

It shook me off that schoolboys of age not more then 18 where smoking cigarette as like it was there solace.

Till that day i was thinking that it is a crime to sell cigarette to children but i don’t think it is so because 2 cops were also standing nearby them and they were standing like nothing is happening nearby them.

Why this young generation moving towards this path which leads to hell? To whom we should blame for this?

"Many shop's don't even display notices declaring that tobacco products will not be sold to minors, Tobacco products  are sold next to schools... Somebody must speak out"

We have to move steps against this and stop our young generation going in this path, so come along and fight against tobacco.