Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No-Tobacco Everyday

Few days earlier I made a visit to a local hospital and I was shocked seeing some unspeakable cancer suffering patients there. Some of them were so severe that they were not even able to open their mouth because their jaws and teeth has disintegrated. And I just after that I think about those school children who use to smoke like that's the only bliss in life will also end up exactly like these patients.

In a recent survey conducted the truth revels that tobacco-related cancers represented 42% (84000) of male and 18% (35700) of female cancer deaths at ages 30-69 years and there were twice as many deaths from oral cancers as lung cancers, in part due to common use of chewing tobacco in men and women. I was shocked again by looking in these data.


                                          "31st May is No-Tobacco Day."

But why just one day against tobacco??? We should make everyday of our life as a No-Tobacco Day and make a Tobacco free environment which will be more healthy for us and our coming generation.


  1. Smoking among youth has increased over the past few years and the findings are quite alarming. It is necessary to bring awareness both among the parents and children. Say No To Smoking!

  2. Very motivational blog it is. Smoking is very bad and injurious for health. But unfortunately more people are attracted to it specially the youth. There should be sessional classes to discourage the smoking.

    1. Thank you dear. But the war against still going on and we have to fight together on it.
